Union Membership
Your support allows us to promote research and academic exchange in Jewish Studies in its many associated disciplines, both in Israel and internationally.
The World Union of Jewish Studies recommends its Institutional Membership, for benefits and registration click here.
As a Member of the World Union you are entitled to
- Participate in the WUJS general meeting which coveys every four years during the World Congress of Jewish Studies. Members have the right to vote at the general meeting.
- Receive the peer-reviewed journal Jewish-Studies, published by the World Union of Jewish Studies.
- Receive special discounts for the purchase of WUJS Publications.
- Receive the WUJS newsletter.
- Submit a lecture proposal to the World Congress of Jewish Studies.
- Apply for various grants and prizes.
Yearly membership rates for 2024:
240 ₪
- Scholars, including emeriti, with institutional funding
160 ₪
- Scholars without institutional funding
80 ₪
- Students
4,500 ₪
- Lifetime Membership
900 ₪
- Institutional Membership