General Information


The Ninetheen World Congress of Jewish Studies will take place at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem on August 4–8, 2025. Scholars from all fields of Jewish Studies are invited to take part in the Congress.

The six divisions of the World Congress are:

  • The Bible and Its World
  • History of the Jewish People
    • Ancient Jewish History
    • Medieval Jewish History (until the late 15th century)
    • Modern Jewish History (16th century until the outbreak of World War I)
    • The History of the Jewish People in the 20th century
  • Rabbinic Literature, Jewish Law and Jewish Thought
    • Rabbinic Literature
    • Talmud
    • Jewish Law
    • Jewish Thought
  • Languages, Literatures, and the Arts
    • Literatures
    • Folklore and Ethnography
    • Hebrew Language
    • Jewish Languages: Yiddish, Ladino, etc.
    • Arts
    • Music
    • Theater and Cinema
  • Jewish Studies and Social Sciences
    • Anthropology
    • Psychology
    • Sociology
    • Demography
    • Gender
    • Education
  • Research Projects and Technology
    • Research Projects
    • Digital Humanities
    • Poster Exhibition
  • Special Programs
    • Section on Latin American Jewry
    • Masoretic Studies Conference organized by the International Organization for Masoretic Studies (IOMS).
    • The International Conference for the Study of Jewish Names

Scholars may submit a proposal for a lecture or for a complete thematic session.

Proposals for complete sessions are strongly encouraged.

Submission is now OPEN, to the Guidelines — click here


Scholars may submit a proposal for a lecture or for a complete thematic session. Only one lecture proposal per scholar may be submitted.

Proposals for complete sessions are strongly encouraged. Such proposal may consist of four lectures or of three lectures and a response. In addition, they are to include a chairperson who is not one of the lecturers. Please note that sessions may not be organized around academic monographs that have already been published.

Scholars not participating in such a pre-organized session may submit an individual proposal to give a lecture. Pending acceptance, such lectures will be given in sessions organized by the relevant academic committee.

Congress participants may lecture only once during the Congress but may serve as a chairperson in other sessions without limitations.

EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS – The academic committees of the World Union of Jewish Studies will review the proposals for sessions and individual lectures. Notifications about the committees’ decisions will be sent out in February 2025.

Starting from 01.01.2025 — membership fees for the World Union of Jewish Studies will be quadrennial (2025, 2026, 2027, 2028), and the payment will correspond to the World Congress of Jewish Studies.

  • WUJS membership fees and Congress participation fees must be paid after confirmation that the lecture proposal has been accepted by the academic committees.
  • Lecturers whose fees will be paid directly by an academic institution or who are waiting for notifications regarding grants that will help them pay Congress fees must inform us before the payment deadline.

Membership fees (2025-2028)

Scholars, including emeriti, with institutional funding ₪480
Scholars without institutional funding ₪360
Students ₪120

19th Congress participation fees (2025)

Scholars, including emeriti, with institutional funding ₪690
Scholars without institutional funding ₪460
Students ₪200

Lecturers whose proposal has been accepted but who are unable to participate in the Congress are requested to notify us by e-mail at the earliest opportunity.
Membership dues are nonrefundable. Congress fees will be refunded until May 31, 2025.

The public is invited to attend the World Congress of Jewish Studies. Registration for daily passes or for the entire Congress will open several months before the event.